Arghezi Tudor (pen name of Ion Teodorescu) was born in Bucharest in 1880, a working-class family. He was a poet, novelist, journalist and is widely considered the greatest poet of Romania 900. Experienced the prison in the first world war, the Nazi concentration camp during and cultural ostracism of the second year in the so-called "socialist realism". Author refined, ranging from highly social, cultivated a difficult poem, but at the same time for immediate availability, which can be read and appreciated by all. He started his career in literature relatively late in 1927 with the collection of poems Agreements words, followed by other volumes of poetry: Flower mold (1931), Leaves (1961), New poems (1963), Night (1967), Rami (1970, posthumous). The central themes of his poetry, as well as those of a social nature as mentioned above, are passionate and contradictory relationship with the divine, the creator and man as a social being, household things and feelings.
Arghezi also wrote in prose. In particular we remember the stories he The black door (1930), and novels Icons on wood (1930), Annunciation Cemetery (1936), Lucky Planets (1946), Old World , a new world (1958), with the stick to Bucharest (1961).
Arghezi Tudor died in Bucharest in 1967.
Tudor's poetry can Arghezi be regarded as a milestone in the evolution of Romania's poetry, it has represented a wide range of topics, introducing new aesthetic universes and giving a status to lyrical words considered "unpoetic. The central theme in the poetry argheziana concern is the lucid consciousness, always intended to search for answers about the human questions about the meaning of life, death, as well as on knowledge, rapprto between man and God, etc..
In the verses of " Psalmi ," the poet is between two opposing attitudes, not knowing which path to choose.
The doubt arises continually in the struggle between faith and denial, between certainty and uncertainty, the rebellion and resignation, the strength and fragility. The suffering of the poet is caused by the absence of the divine, the human awareness of his loneliness in the universe, from prey to impotence and imperfection.
Arghezi knows he can not invoke the deity, knowing that you will not receive, however, no response. Hence the drama of the poet, causing a sense of futility and disappointment. Tudor Arghezi remains primarily a poet of the doubt. Its balance between prayer and the strong denial, certainly not defined as a "religious spirit", but neither makes him a "poet of faith." Arghezi not believe, but it stubbornly to search for the sacred, refusing to accept the prospect of nothing. Although the love of god it is clear, often acting with the spirit of the Christian poet and obedient.
Another aspect of the poem Arghezi the fate of the artist. He wonders if the artist must be committed to the creation or, instead, to live a normal life like any mortal. Arghezi in the conception of man and God have in common the ability to create. The poet, with his art, is detached in this way, the other his fellows, approaching the condition of (almost) deity.
Many poems focus on the theme of death: " Niciodata toamna ", " Duhovniceasca ", " De-a v-ati ascuns "," Tarana Intoarcere-n "and" Ceasul de apoio . "If the" Psalm "reflected in the oscillation of the attitude toward the divine, that is, in fact, by 'adulation to contestation, with regard to the death, his thought is united in not accepting it. In this sense he differs from those writers Romanians who see in death a natural predestination to ultimate peace. So death does not necessarily mean romantic reconciliation Arghezi with nothing but a sort of repeated blows to the waking consciousness. He sees life as a game whose ultimate purpose remains unknown.
Arghezi has a restless spirit, a problem that tends to look at everything with clarity: life, death, god. Trying to reach the transcendent, gives his poetry a tension only focused on the expression of worship and cry endlessly.
conclusion, the work argheziana has a very high value for the Rumanian literature and this has been translated into many languages \u200b\u200bfrom different personalities of world literature (Salvatore Quasimodo, Rafael Alberti, Ianis Ritsos, etc.).. His poetic production can be evaluated and compared in terms of value with that of famous poets such as Rilke RM, Garcia Lorca, Paul Claudel, Paul Eluard, and so on.
Arghezi Tudor Two poems translated by Salvatore Quasimodo. TESTAMENT At my death I'll let my verse:
nothing but a name, enclosed in a book. In the darkness
in revolt,
that my ancestors come up to you, my fathers
crawled like animals
along cliffs and precipices,
now await you, my young son
my book is a step up again. Put
head of the bed with devout piety is the oldest paper
you servants of the liberation from rough cloaks
full of bones spilled into me.
Now we can change for the first time
the hoe with pen and ink in the groove because
our ancestors, one of the oxen gilded,
sweat gathered the work of hundreds of years.
From their voices urging the cattle
I created measures, agreements
words and cots for the future masters: and for thousands of weeks,
working as a bread, I turned
in dreams and icons. From rags
sprouted buds and garlands.
I changed into honey got the poison, leaving entire
its gentle power. Spinning the offense slightly
I did persuade and blasphemy.
I got home from the ashes of the dead
to raise a god of stone, with its two worlds
high slopes
to Watch on top of your duty.
Our dull pain
bitter and I just picked up a violin master
danced to his notes like a goat being slaughtered.
from wounds from molds I made from mud
born beauty and new values.
The whiplash
change in slow words, punishment
forgiving children
the crime that was all.
This is justice made to branch out from the forest
obscure the sun, from which branch
bunch of moles
check as the result of punishment for all eternity.
lazy lying on the couch
suffer the little princess in my book.
The word of fire and that made art
to join the page as
the sealer covers the red-hot iron.
The servant has written, the law lord
and does not see that deep inside there is all the rage
of my ancestors.
FLOWERS MOLD Writing with the nail on the plaster,
into an empty niche,
the dark, alone,
with my strength,
without help of the lion or the bull 's eagle
who worked with Luke, Mark and John.
verses are undated tomb
verses of hunger and thirst for water
verses today.
When the nail is broken angel
I waited to grow, but is no longer
checked or I did not recognize.
was dark. Away, away, the rain poured down. The claw-like hand
painful and could not move.
I had to write with the nails of the left.