They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
a nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
nor shall they train in ' Art of War.
(Isaiah 2, 4)
Dear readers, dear readers [of Pisa News]
us from many sides has failed to clarify the solicitation in public because the Gandhi Center Onlus, which are the president, has raised a conflict with the school councilor of the town of Pisa, prof.essa Marilu Chiofalo, objecting to his plan to send children to the police station, on the anniversary of the death in Nasiriyah on 27 April 2006 Nicola Ciardelli, greater than the 185th Parachute Regiment of the "Folgore" .
We are all neighbors with deep compassion to the Ciardelli family that has suffered immeasurable grief for the death of Nicholas in war, as we have an equal compassion for all victims of war . Just because they share e are deep sympathy with the suffering unspeakable folly of that war brings, we are committed to publishing many years of study, research and educational activity, because humanity delete from history the use of violence in conflict management, by adopting the satyagraha, that is a struggle that takes place without doing violence to the opponent, leveraging the power of truth, a method successfully tested by Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Danilo Dolci, Nelson Mandela, from society 's Eastern Europe in 1989 and, these days, the uprising of the Arab peoples.
We are firmly committed, along with millions of pacifists around the world, because war was not waged in Iraq and, along with hundreds of thousands of Italian families who exhibited at the windows, the flags of peace, we asked that Italy shall respect the constitutional rejection of war.
If the pleas for peace were heard by the powers of the earth, now we would not be here to mourn the thousands of victims of the disastrous war in Iraq and Nicola Ciardelli would still be alive!
I am sure that the family is aware Ciardelli of everything and is close to us in imploring with John Paul II: "Never again war adventure with no return"! No more war, no more soldiers sent to die for the economic interests of super powers.
"Dulce bellum inexpertis" Erasmus wrote in 1508: "Who loves the war, has not seen her face." For this reason it often happens that soldiers who have known war on the battlefields become more firm and convinced pacifist. So it happened in ancient India the king Asoka, or in Christian times to a few great saints like Martin of Tours, Francis of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola. In modern times we remember the great Russian writer Lev Tolstoy's theory of non-resistance to evil by violence, the British General Baden Powell, who, after having participated in the war against the Boers in South Africa is committed to educating the youth to a substitute morality of war, creating the World Scout Movement, and finally, more recently, the British Admiral King Hall after the atomic explosions realized that it was necessary to develop new strategies to defend unarmed and nonviolent.
In contrast to military policy-makers often give evidence of superficiality and opportunism, always participate with great satisfaction and narcissism parades, strutting more than a general, influenced by the fanfare and acrobatic games, exploiting the rhetoric of patriotism and so-called "peacekeeping" the grief of the families of those who were sent to war to die.
Create a blend of peace and war, between the humanitarian and combat operations, how to Pisa with the days of children in the barracks, is a way harmful to sanitize the war, to justify the cost of war , to find consensus on military missions abroad, to promote sympathy from a young age for military recruitment.
Look at the many Internet video products for the days in the barracks, how to capture the seductive atmosphere created around the children with the paratroopers who jump from planes and animating the various games set up in the courtyard of the barracks Gamerra transformed into a carnival with climbing, cycling, shooting to score, air mattresses and artificial pools.
no doubts that this atmosphere is contagious has also had its effects on adults. The human narcissism can not swell in contact with such a display of strength and organization, feeling close to important men in uniform who have power of life and death, entitled to that and also blessed by the highest religious authority, the archbishop of Pisa. As a result of such an unholy admixture, we can feel as leaders of a great ship and look down on those poor pacifists who are determined not to worship the Golden Calf.
The large flagship conscientious objectors appear to be the poor deluded many Sileni of Alcibiades on fragile boats that would prevent safe and well-equipped ships, led by captains of ocean-going, out to sea.
The ship metaphor evoked by the councilor Chiofalo, in the vein of poetry in his letter to Pisa News, ignores, in fact, the final outcome of human passage in the open sea. The story has been handed down from the Acts of the Apostles chapter 27. Paul of Tarsus, the Apostle of the Gentiles, he tried in vain to warn the centurion, who would have made navigation risky, begging him not to leave. But who was Paul's advice to give? A mad, a disobedient, a prisoner who was being taken to Rome to be tried before Caesar. Surely the most reliable were the pilot and the commander of the ship, and their discretion is entrusted to the centurion. They considered themselves expert navigators and, blinded by ' hybris of their pride and their science, they ignored the warnings of Paul and brought the ship sinking with all its human cargo.
As in ancient times the views of Paul of Tarsus, were mocked and persecuted by the pagans, also in our time the teachings of Aldo Capitini, Giorgio La Pira, Father Ernesto Balducci, Don Lorenzo Milani, Teresa Mattei , teachers and witnesses of conscientious objection to the armies, are ignored or silenced by those who govern the states.
The threat to humanity today is not a hurricane of water but of fire. The possibility of nuclear war would, indeed, lead the theorists of realism and reason of state to ponder what Einstein wrote: " I do not know how we will fight World War III, but I know that the fourth will be fought with stones and sticks " . And similarly wrote Mahatma Gandhi: "O mankind will destroy the arms or weapons will destroy humanity."
Try alternative forms of defense weapons is, therefore, the only rational, realistic for the survival of the planet. Ben are children and young people to attend the barracks converted to peaceful uses, to train the popular non-violent ways of defense. For some time we demand that one of the barracks from discontinued operations Guests degree courses in science for peace, only in Italy, whose lectures, ten years after activation, continues to unfold in a very precarious structural situation, going from a wandering place across the city without having a permanent establishment.
Ben are the planes that are raised in the air not to carry weapons, but children in need of care. But that happens only occasionally is used in an instrumental way to justify the expansion of the airport and military construction of the hub, stirring once again, the humanitarian dimension and the war.
When we asked the Municipality of Pisa last fall under the patronage of the conference for the centenary of the death of Tolstoy, the great teacher of Gandhi, we were told that the council did not even have the possibility print a hundred invitations for the conference. So the question arises in situations of scarcity is what it cost the triumphant event in the barracks of the 1500 boys and girls with their teachers. These numbers are so impressive that we do not deny the pride of the municipal administration, let us really dismayed and worried about the cultural regression that has suffered in recent years the Italian company, whose unquestioning adherence to such a project by schools and teachers is an obvious symptom.
Meanwhile, as are the same administrators to complain about cutting government funding for social services and cultural, no one complains about the clear link between the growth of expenditure on armaments and cuts to public education. In reality the support of rearmament and the construction project in Pisa military hub are seeing a convergence of forces is in the same way left of center than right of center. That How sad! That lack of courage!
So goes the world, preaching in the name of the Machiavellian political realism. And a common vision of the power politics of states are queued while those who call themselves followers of the Divine Master who said, "My kingdom is not of this world!"
During the show, women of 13 February on behalf of the Gandhi Center for Nonviolence I took the floor to greet and encourage women in their commitment to peace. I have given consideration to Gandhi: "Only that women forget that they belong to the sex weak, I have no doubts that might oppose the war infinitely better than men ... Assuming that women and children in Europe incandescence of love for humanity, draw men and women and destroy militarism in incredibly short time. " Some of those present in the day that it seemed inappropriate for the dignity of women bestow a leaflet against the sending of children in military barracks. But it is perhaps the most savage militarism expression of machismo? And the missiles and bombs, as Galtung reminds us, are they not the tragic representation of power fallocratico that rapes Mother Earth and massacred by a terrorist from civilian populations? Speaking at the foot of the leaning tower, at the end of the parade, I asked the women to maintain an equal capacity for mobilization in challenging projects and military hub of the city administration to prevent the town prostitute to the logic of war.
should never fear the diversity of views and deny freedom of expression to those who dispute the decisions of those in charge.
Our initiative of dispute has nothing personal against the Councillor Chiofalo of which recognize the charisma and personal generosity. Peace and war, however, are questions too important to keep them confined within the limits of a private discussion and citizens must be able to receive the maximum amount of information.
As Gandhi Centre would welcome the challenge that he throws the councilor Chiofalo to bring us to the barracks with our initiative to nonviolence.
But going into the barracks Gandhi Centre would be guaranteed the exercise of freedom of expression? Boys and girls can invite the soldiers to respect for the 'art.11della Italian Constitution, which calls ritirasi paratroopers in Afghanistan, and this request would be interpreted as a crime, an invitation to desert?
In the barracks we would like, if possible:
explain that the expenditure on armaments to the forced starvation, disease, millions of children of the earth. The weapons also kill if not used, said Raoul Follereau, and invited to grant the equivalent of two bombers to eradicate leprosy.
remind the chaplain the biblical commandment: Thou shalt not kill!
stress in children with audio-visual laboratories, with music and
dramatizations abhorrence of the blood and weapons, for war, says Zanotelli, has become taboo and a cultural mechanism that develops in early childhood.
display photos of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, photos of the bombing of Pisa on August 31, 1944, which caused 9000 deaths.
pray and sing songs of peace-loving De André, Joan Baez,
Mercedes Sosa, meditate with the reading of passages from the writings of Tolstoy, Gandhi, Capitini, Lanza del Vasto, Danilo Dolci, Don Primo Mazzolari, Don Lorenzo Milani.
That day, the soldiers put flowers in their guns. And signs on the walls of the barracks will welcome children with phrases extolling "love, not war!"
Finally "emptied the arsenals and fill the granaries," as invited to make the late President Sandro Pertini.
Rocco Altieri
President of the Gandhi Centre ONLUS
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