PisaNotizie From: ( http://www.pisanotizie.it/news/lettori_20110222_181298381838.html)
I am a parent of a child attend school in the municipal "Agazzi. Last year, the school, which initially had not acceded to the day of 27 April in the barracks, he was urged to join the ordinary. The membership was made so quickly, and until the last parents not heard anything. When it emerged called for a meeting with the teachers and the commissioner Chiofalo, attended the lady Ciardelli. I remember her as a calm discussion, in which we brought forward our dissent in full respect of opinions different from ours.
Nearby, read a statement on PisaNotizie councilor who said that they heard at a meeting in a kindergarten with the phrase "sure you can do with all the apples and oranges, but the military ...". There seemed possible he was referring to the meeting took place at Agazzi, but we know that human memory is unreliable, influenced by personal interpretation that gives the event, and how they change with time: after one year that phrase has become "All military warmongers" . I would not want that if we continue at this rate, the phrase-in memory becomes increasingly abusive councilor-so if you specify which school believes he heard others who were present at that same meeting, they could tell their memories.
in any case I think that that phrase is very far from the spirit that animated the anti-war parents who have never been opposed to the day itself, but simply asked it to be moved to the place and date, so as not to load symbolic meanings and ideals that, while fully legitimate, are not shared by all, and then are so glaring if the proposed requirement on very young children.
As for the democratic process to which the commissioner alluded to, I point out that the school of info Agazzi still no communication was given in any meeting, neither the Management Committee has addressed the issue: I would not want, such as 'Last year, would come to discuss things already done.
Lucio Bontempelli
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