Gentile Ass.Chiofalo ,
We met in Pisa during the presentation of my intellectual biography by Tiziano Terzani (Tiziano Terzani: A revolution within us, Longanesi 2008) As a writer, philosopher and above all as a mother, I feel the need for them to reach this mine, in relation to the controversy raised by the Day of Solidarity.
First I want to propose again to everyone - to 10-years after the prophetic words of Tiziano Terzani against the then impending war in Afghanistan (They would follow the war in Iraq and one in Lebanon, supported our governments both the right and left). The position of profound and radical pacifist Terzani truly deserves to be thought out again because, in the light of these 10 years, the armed interventions have not solved at all - but rather increased - the tensions between the West and Middle East countries.
Here are the words taken from Terzani Letters Against the War (2002 Longanesi )
Perhaps because I spent all my life grown in Asia, and now I'm really banquet that it is all a ,,,,, I came to think that the horror I had just witnessed (September 11 ) was a good opportunity . The whole world had seen. The whole world would understand. The man would have been aware, he would wake to rethink everything, relations between states, between religions, the relationship with nature, the same relationship between man and man. It was a good opportunity to make an examination of conscience, accept our responsibilities as Westerners and maybe finally make quantum leap in our understanding of life.
Introduction, p. 11
Two weeks ago I left Peshawar and in the company of my two medical students, met by chance, I started traveling to Pakistan. L 'idea was to take the temperature of this land of pure (that means Pakistan) founded in 1947 by the partition of the British Empire in India. The idea was to see up close the consequences of the war in Afghanistan to see what will happen to the rest of the world - our world, the world of all - when this war is likely to move in Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, perhaps in Syria, Lebanon and who knows where yet. More than sixty countries where, according to Washington, lurking terrorists, and those who do not cooperate with the United States to ferret out will be considered an enemy.
Letter from Quetta, November 14, 2001, p.80
I'm getting more and more clear that all that is happening and will happen from now on in Afgansitan ( and Iraq Iran, Libya, Yemen ) has in the fund to deal with diversity, with the right to be different .
A century ago for the Afghans, like the other peoples of the world, the diversity was independent rendesi in colonial oppression, today and in the rest out by a more sophisticated but equally oppressive, trying to make the world a market of consumers of all people who sell the same desires first and then the same products.
This is a point on which I will continue to insist to us in the West may seem absurd that the others do not want to live, eat, dress like us. We Western may seem absurd that a company prefers polygamy and imposes absolute fidelity, monogamy, instead of our temporary and our constant sexual promiscuity. To us it seems natural that a woman should be as a man, a soldier, lawyer, airline pilot, who wants to be financially independent instead of devoting themselves to raising children, educating them and rule over a house .
Letter from Delhi, January 5, 2002, p. 135-43
Let's look in the mirror. There is no doubt that over the last few millennia we have made enormous progressi.Eppure all this, we are not at peace either with ourselves or with the rest of the world.
We have polluted the land, desecrated rivers and lakes, cut down entire forests and made life hell for the animals, except the few we call "friends" and pamper long as they meet our need of a substitute for human companionship..
The great progress material has not kept pace with our spiritual progress. Indeed, perhaps the man has never been so poor since he became so rich. Hence the idea that man consciously reverse this trend and regain control that extraordinary instrument that is his mind. That mind until now mainly used to understand and take possession of the outside world, as if this were the sole source of our elusive happiness, should also apply to exploring the inner world and the self-knowledge. .
It is said that human development is impossible to top. This is not unconsciously continue in the direction that we are at the moment. This direction is crazy.
So let's stop. The Imagine our present from the perspective of our great-grandchildren. Let's look at today from the standpoint of not having to rammaricane tomorrow after having lost a good opportunity [1] .
The opportunity is to understand once and for all, that the world is a , that each party has its way, that you can replace the logic of competition with the ethic coexistence, that nobody has a monopoly on anything , that the idea of \u200b\u200ba superior civilization to another is the result of ignorance.
Letter from the Himalayas, January 17, 2002, P.174
Let us ponder these words, because they contain great wisdom.
From that October 7, 2001 when the U.S. government, backed by the International Coalition, launched an air and ground attack against Afghanistan, and even then without the approval of the NATO attack on Iraq, There have been many thousands of deaths, mostly civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq (more than 400,000 are said only in Afghanistan). Whether war is now certain, and because all the armies involved define it such, and because the number of the soldiers who fight and the deadly weapons they use are not open to the euphemisms of the Italian propaganda that continues to call her "mission of peace." How can you call peace and wants peace, if one hand we say we want to offer aid and liberation and each other up arms and kill? What's unique is that these wars have found a unanimous consensus by the governments of both right and those on the left. And it should give us pause, because it actually reflects the same strategic economic interests.
As a woman, as mother, as a person committed to the education, I know that of which children need are great examples of selflessness, generosity and noble ideals pursued by the work of a lifetime. Children should know the great personalities of the past and present who have embodied the noblest virtue of being human. As pointed Terzani, all the great humanity by Jesus to Buddha, St. Francis, Gandhi, Moses, Muhammad said: DO NOT KILL.
Excuse me, but I do not understand what there can be educational in bringing school children to show them to the barracks of the men who shouldered rifles.
Yours sincerely
Gloria Germani
scholar of philosophy and religion of India and the Far East
author: Teresa of Calcutta: A mystical between East and West, Preface Tiziano Terzani, Milan Pauline, 2003
Tiziano Terzani: the revolution within ourselves , Milan, Longanesi 2008 - Winner of Florence for the Culture of Peace, 2010.
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