Sunday, March 6, 2011

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The beginning of friendship with the brothers Jean-Léon and Henri Thuile is traced back to 1907 or 1908 by Ungaretti, but most likely be postponed to 1911, 1912. The brothers were Thuile writers and engineers. Jean-Léon was a novelist and Ungaretti remember him Les trio des damnés The hedonism and , Henri, however, was a poet, author of The lampe de terre , poems dedicated to his wife disappeared, always appreciated by Ungaretti. Sons were chief engineer for ports and lighthouses in Alexandria, died accidentally at the Universal Exhibition in Paris before the friendship of three young men. In his position was replaced by Jondet Monsieur Gaston, that this is how he discovered the buried port of the Pharaonic age, able to accommodate an entire fleet, as Ungaretti wrote in Egyptian notebook. The port of Faros was colossal idea engineering, straight breakwater with a length of two kilometers. Hence the title of budded collection of poems born in war, Port Buried , a symbol of "what the secret is in us incomprehensible."
I Thuile evevano inherited from his father a well stocked library and receiving enriched romantic contemporary works. Ungaretti went to their house every week who lived outside Alexandria, Mex, in a wooden building near the edge of the desert and sea port in Libya: "House groping / sea on one side too much / too from the wilderness 'other', so remember Ungaretti. Jean-Leon pointed out that the literary discussions among them focused on Claudel, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Péguy, Apollinaire. In Notebook Egyptian Ungaretti is the most significant memory of the two brothers, among other things it states: "The Mex I also bind the last few years that I have spent in Egypt, before removing in 1912. " La Thuile house "looked like the house of the spirits. A house in Ibsen Africa ... They had the most remarkable and rare publications of the nineteenth century and the recent, almost manic luxuriously bound, lined up in a huge room. The discovery of this Mecca of the book was for me a joy that can only imagine who, raised by force of circumstances far from the city he considers his intellectual, has been accustomed to see it as a mirage ... Quell'ebrezza that gave the reading, silent on the carpet, accompanied by shots of the wings of the wind on the waves, never try again? ".

From: "Ungaretti Album" - published by Mondadori


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